May 2, 2018

Mile 379.5

+High: The view is incredible
-Low: My right knee started to hurt


Day 31

Tiny and I were dropped off at the inspiration point by the Holistic Center host. The view was incredible with the all clouds gathering in the valley. We started our hike around 1:30.

We agreed to camp together at night and roughly planned out our possible camping site. I went on by myself since Tiny was a little slower with the climb. It was a tough climb with my knee hurting. It was so foggy that I couldn’t see too far away, and it was a little depressing without California sunshine. There was still snow left on the trail and hillside. It was a cold day. Fortunately the fog was at lower level. The higher I went, the clearer the sky was.


I got to side trail to the Mount Baden-Powell by 5 pm. Dropped my backpack by the trail, I went up to the summit. I met Tunes up there. She and I had been passing each other the whole day. She took a photo of me and I took a photo of her.

I came down from the summit and saw Bohica and Mustang. They told me Tiny camped about 2 miles back because she didn’t feel well. So I went down to the destination tent site at mile 379.5 by myself, where I saw Dale and Tim and couple other people.

Dale lives in Taiwan since 2002. He was thrilled to know that I was from Taiwan. He loves Taiwan. That’s why his trail name is Taiwan Dale. He said he wants to promote “his country”. I never met anyone else loves Taiwan this much, very interesting.



Mount Baden-Powell, California, USA