Mile 390.2

+ High: Met the first Taiwanese and another group of awesome people on the trail!
- Low: I got lost... Twice...
• Key People: Irene, Tiny, Chill bill, Rifiki, Milkshake

Day 32

I started the day early but I got lost twice. This was the only day that I got lost on the trail... so far.

Firt time was at 380.5... I went to the side trail for 0.8 miles down and back. It was steep down and of course steep back. Really frustrating... The side trail was led to a highway. I was even considering hitch at the highway instead of walking back.

First water stop was Little Jimmy Spring. Dale was sitting there and eating lunch. He was surprised to see me.
“How did we pass you, Kay?”
“I got lost...”

The afternoon was pleasant. Weather was nice and the views were perfect. It was in the woods, not bushes. I found a cozy spot to cook my lunch. In the middle of my lunch, I saw an Asian girl passing by. “Hello there!” She murmured something I couldn’t hear. I had a feeling that this girl must be from Taiwan. Why? Because everyone said something back when I said hi.

The second time I passed this girl, I stopped and asked where she’s from. She is Irene and she is from Taiwan!! We walked together for a couple of mile and reached Islip Saddle Parking lot, where I screwed up the second time.

We went so deep down to a trail and realized I got to the wrong one when I saw a spring that was not listed on the map. That’s another 1 miles detour. It was another long way up... I felt sorry for Irene. She followed me. We went back up to the parking lot and I was wondering if I would see Tiny while I saw her coming down the road. I guess we meant to walk together for a little longer. Irene needed a moment to rest, so I went on with Tiny.

We set a goal to reach 389. I went off again by myself. It was a huge climb again. I got to the top and saw Chill Bill and Milkshake, whom I haven’t met since the first week! Pleasant surprise! Rifiki came up a little later and told me that Tiny wanted to meet at 390 instead. It was a picnic area by the highway.

Chill Bill thru-hiked AT last year. He got a little badge says “2000-Miler” on his pack. That was really cool! According to everyone, he is super chill. That’s how he got his name. Rifiki is 22 years old and he hikes in sandals. He retired from the marine after 4 years in the service and started lives his trail life. He and Milkshake were high school friends. Somehow they got together for this long hike. I like Rifiki a lot. He has this calm and confident vibe, and all the Disney tattoos on his legs were definitely a plus too.

I went down by my self and got to the picnic area around 5:30. Tunes, Milkshake, Rafiki, and Chill Bill came not long after. I saw Tiny came down the road a little later. “I found you!” She said.

After a back and forth discussion, we all decided to stay at the picnic area where camping is actually not allowed, but whatever... who cares. Here has picnic table and outhouse, 4 stars already!

Eagles Roost Picnic Area, Angeles National Forest Bndry, Pearblossom, CA, USA