April 20, 2018

Mile 266.1

+High: first 20 miles day / Andy, Kevin, Oreo visiting
-Low: had a cold, weather was cold
•Best gear: every gear I owned
•Key people: Joe from GA, Lorenzo from Italy, Cheerio (池有)from SF


Day 16

Heading out of Whitewater Preserve around 8, kind of late start for my usual routine. My cold was just killing me.

So the best day followed with the worst day. On the one hand, my cold has been worse because of the coldness at night. I had to wore all the possible layers including my down jacket to sleep in my down sleeping bag to feel warm. On the other hand, I had so much problem with Mission Creek and I had to cross it for so many times in one day.

The trail was not clearly defined because of the creek crossing it too many times. It was muddy and puddles everywhere. There were also bamboo-like plants growing along the creek which blocked my view very often. I felt anxious and impatient under the situation. I did not like to get my feet wet at all. But looking at the bright side, I was not lack of water along the way. The progress was slow because of the trail condition.

I took my time sitting down cooking lunch for the first time. There was a guy sitting next me in short and T-shirt. We had been passing each other since Mesa Wind Farm. He had a small pack and he walked fast.

“It’s kind of chilly sitting under the shadow.” He said.
“Yeah, look at me... in down jacket.” I replied.

His name is Joe, from Georgia. He thru-hiked AT, of course, and a lot of other long trails. He just loved hiking. What got my attention was his tattoos on his left arm. It was a beautiful feather wing covered his shoulder to the triceps. I told him that I’d love to have a tattoo, just don’t know what to tattoos with. He asked if I love anything. I said no, not sure. He laughed. I told him that I hope I’ll have some ideas after the trip.

It was the fine moment in the hardest day. After this day, I haven’t seen him again since he was much much faster than me. But he did leave an impression, Joe with wings.

I ended the day with 17 miles and camped at mile 235.5 along with several people who started with me from day one.


Day 17

It’s getting close to Big Bear Lake. I was eager to get there by Friday night to spend some more time with Andy, Kevin and Oreo. It was a little stretching but I thought I could manage to make it happen. I couldn’t help thinking asking Andy to pick me up earlier at the trail instead of the original plan because of my cold. But once I set my foot on the road, I felt the necessity to keep walking.

This day was another bad day. I couldn’t get any cell signals for more than two days already. It stressed me out. This morning is freezing. When I climbed back up to above 8500 ft, I walked into a foggy area and it looks like it was going to rain. I was nervous and a little bit scared. I was so wanting to hear my love’s voice but still couldn’t get a signal. So I walked fast. The fog gradually became frozen drops and then it became light snow. I did not like it at all. After Onyx Summit, the sun started to show up again. It relaxed me a lot and finally, cell signal.


Around lunch time, I met Lorenzo from Italy and Cheerio (This is her trail name. I’m not sure how to spell it) from San Francisco. I’ve been passing Lorenzo couple times already since Whitewater Preserve. We just never really introduce ourselves. Cheerio was really outgoing and chatty. She asked me where I was from. My standard answer now is “I was originally from Taiwan, but I live in New York now.” Cheerio didn’t wait for me to finish my new york part, she started talking to me in Mandarine. I was really surprised that the first person on trail that I spoke Mandarine with was a white girl. She said she taugh English in Taoyuan, Taiwan for 3 years. That’s how she learned Chinese. She also hiked 武嶺四秀 in Taiwan. Her Chinese name, 池有, came from one of the mountains, 池有山. I have to say that I didn’t know about these mountains until she told me.

It was a really pleasant lunch. Cheerio was section hiking to the south. So we separate out ways after lunch. And Lorenzo has been hiking around me the while day.

It was really hard to decide where to stop because there were no obvious campground marked on the map. The only one on the map was Arrastre Trail camp, which would be 20.7 miles away from my start of the day. I was not sure if I should push it or even if I could push to that campground. I almost stopped at 19 miles. There were several nice tent sites along the way. I was attempting to stop. But Lorenzo showed up behind me and asked “Are you planning to camp here? There is a campground 2 miles away. I’ll see you there.” “Ok...” So I kept going. That’s how I did my first 20 miles day. This day turned out pretty great. The best part is, I only have 10 miles to go to reach Big Bear Lake. I could finally relax and sleep till 9 in the morning.

Day 18

I took my time and slept till 9 in the morning and talked with my parents for half an hour. It was only 10 miles. I would be in a hotel room in 10 miles! Weather was fine and I was in such a good mood. The cold was not better but not worse. It was an easy hike. I took my time to eat and rest since I won’t be able to check in till 3.

I got to the cross point of trail and HWY 18 by 2pm. Here came to my first hitchhike experience. I kept my smile. No one stopped. I looked at those cars and myself. Oh yeah... I was much dirtier than their cars. I probably wouldn’t stop for myself. Right at the time, there are a truck pulling in. It was Allen, a trail angel. He said he could give me a lift when he finished restocking the supplies for the hikers. I was thrilled! I helped with restocking. He dropped me off at the hotel driveway. When I walked in to the hotel, I was pretty sure that I looked like a homeless... I was glad that Andy and Kevin didn’t have to see me like this.

The rest of the day was doing laundry, cleaning myself, and cleaning gears. Andy arrived around 9 and brought me amazing homemade Taiwanese food and Oreo, of course. He was old, but still cute as a puppy! The night ended perfectly.


Big Bear Lake, CA, USA