May 13, 2018

Mile 478.2

+ High: Got my 2018 bandana!
- Low: nothing exciting or pretty along the way


Day 42

I woke up later than usual but still got on the way at 8:30. This part of trail was boring to me. I wasn’t enjoying it. I think that I hadn’t recovered from the vacation yet and also it was a very cloudy day. Weather does effect my mood a lot. Everything seemed to be annoying. But you know... you have to move on for the milage.

I wasn’t planning to stop at Casa de Luna or to write about it. But the note at the trailhead caught my eyes, “come and get your class of 2018 bandana.” Just for that bandana, I had to go.

I got off the trail at San Francisquito Canyon Road. There was a colorful van waiting across the road and driver was waiving at me. “Do you need a ride?” “Oh yes!”

When we arrived at Terrie and Joe Anderson’s place, I was shocked with how many people were there. The next day Terrie told me that they hosted 92 hikers that night. They have been trail angels for 19 years. They must own 5 acers of lands with tons of trees. All the hikers were camping in tree tunnels. There were so many of us, so a lot of people who arrive late had to squeeze themselves in between tents. The Anderson’s offered breakfast and dinner. It was amazing to experience this kind of hospitality and generosity.

The best part was the PCT Class of 2018 bandanas!
