May 12, 2018

Mile 465.9

+ High: It’s a family hike!
- Low: Vacation is over.
Day 41

After two chiropractic sessions, one massage, and all the great food I had in Ventura, I think my body recovered pretty well in one week. My right toe is still numb, but my knee is much better.

Andy and Kevin decided to hike with me for a while, and Oreo. They prepared their own lunch the night before. They really know what they are doing when it comes to food. We were pretty smart about the hike. They drove two cars and parked one at the endding point so they didn’t have to walk back to the start.

We started our hike around noon from mile 456.6 and planned to hike 9 miles together. It was a cloudy day. Both Kevin and Oreo were pretty happy about it. First day back on trail from vacation was hard, very hard. It was a bless that I had their company.

In this 9 mile section we climbed from 2750ft to 4500ft and then down to 3350ft. Oreo was cheerful. He was walking fast and steady, but always remember to check on everybody to see if anyone was left behind. On the top if the mountain with the wind blowing, it was chilly. Andy put Oreo in his backpack for 5 mins just to keep him warm. After we over the top foggy and windy area, Oreo was back on his feet again.

9 miles went by really fast. We arrived at the parking around 4pm. It was a really pleasant hike. I only hiked 0.4 miles more to a campsite for the day. It was a less than 10 miles day, but I felt exhausted. Every inch of my leg and shoulder muscle was sore. I met Several people at the campsite but I was in no mood to talk. I just cooked my dinner and went to sleep.

Ah... detox process from civilization.
