June 1, 2018

Mile 702.2

+High: Finally got to Kennedy Meadows!!!
-Low: n/a


Day 59

Tanya and I said goodbye to Kate and Lisa in the early morning and hiked out of Lake Isabella from Walker Pass Campground. It's the last bit of desert that we have to go through before we hit Sierra. As usual, it was a fine day with blue sky and sunshine. From here on we will started out from Owens Peak Wilderness, entering Sequoia National Forest and than into Sequoia National Park. Eventually we will get to Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Park around Independence.



We see more and more sequoia trees and the elevation was also getting higher. the first water stop was Joshua Tree Spring. As we heading down to the spring, we saw a hiker with a horse coming up. There is a real hiker with a horse! His name is Rooster and the horse's name is Horsie. Rooster has a very typical cowboy look with a hat and the orange 2018 PCT bandanna. And I think he is pretty handsome. We got a picture of him and chatted a little bit. It was fun!

This night we camped around Spanish Needle Creek at Mile 668.7.


Day 60

I seriously couldn’t remember anything from this day. The only thing I remembered was this is a long day. We walked about 19.2 miles and stopped at mile 687.9. I will try to make better note...


Day 61

We were so close to Kennedy Meadow! We started hiking out at 6:00 and met Codex again at Manter Creek around 8. He was just getting ready to hike out. We had our second breakfast and filled up some water.

The morning hike was just beautiful. The landscape started to change as the elevation gets higher. When we saw the running river around noon, we couldn’t believe our eyes... it was a river! From now on, we don’t need to worry about water that much anymore!

We stopped at the river to have lunch and also cleaned our clothes and ourselves in the river. I felt that I’m really getting closer to nature, like really closer.

Soon after the lunch break, we got to mile 700 and 2 more miles, we reached the real milestone, the famous Kennedy Meadows. We saw so many familiar faces at the general store. It was a perfect ending for this section!

Kennedy Meadows, CA, USA