April 13, 2018

Mile 151.8

+ High: first 19 miles day
- Low: period week
• Best Gear: Gas Canister, lasted for 150 miles and still going

We left Warner Springs around 4pm on the 12th and walked about 9 miles that afternoon. The new news was That I was dealing with my period for the first time on trail. The idea was scary. But the two “ladies” understood. I gotta do what I gotta do. More restroom stops. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. And I was lucky that my period flow became less because of the unusal excessive activity. So everything was good.

Out of Warner Springs, the weather was much better and the landscape was much greener. There were two notable stops within 3 days walk, Mike’s place at mile 127.3 and Angel Mary’s stop at Mile 145.4. Mike’s place offered fresh grilled hot dogs, water and restroom. Angel Mary’s stop has two picnic table, water, restroom and trash can.

For people who don’t know about the trail culture, “leave no trace” is big thing on PCT. The west coast is way dry to bury any food or toilet paper in the mountain. So whatever you bring in to the mountain, you bring them out, including all your sanitation products. A lot of female hikers use pee rags instead of toilet paper so they don’t have to carry as much garbage with them along the way. I haven’t gotten used to this yet. I carry my toilet paper

Hotdogs at Mike’s

Mike’s place

Walking into Angel Mary’s




So when Trail Angels provide gardage can, we are in heaven. If we have a proper chair to sit, we are in heaven.

Tanya got really tired at the last couple miles to Paradise Valley Cafe. Her cold just got worse and worse. Fortunately we got to the meet point acros highway 74 around 4pm. Lisa picked us up and headed to Paradise Valley Cafe. The meal was incredible, but my body was too tired to digest the whole meal. Kate, on the other hand, was having such a good appetite that she finished her food and also had dessert.

After dinner, we headed into Idyllwild, a lovely town with a cabin room waiting for us!

Paradise Valley Cafe, California 74, Mountain Center, CA, USA