April 11, 2018

Mile 109.5

+ High: got to Warner Spring! First 19 miles day!
- Low: left foot hurts still
• Best gear: Gossamer UV protection Umbrella, a must in desert


Day 7

After a half day rest in Julian, we were kind of refreshed and ready to go on another little hike. It was a big hill hiking out from Scissor Crossing and it was a brutally hot day. We didn’t start till 7:30. The sun was fully present already. The desert lanscape didn’t help that much. Dead looking plants and sandy color didn’t help to cool us down at all.


We decided to take a break around 12. We set up Kate and Tanya’s tent as shade and we took a 3 hour long break to avoid the heat. It was a very pleasant break.

We end the day at 91.2 miles where th water cache was. “Bladder” was chilling under the tree. Bladder thru-hiked PCT in 2016. He had a 2016 PCT bandana around his neck. His plan this year is to hike the CDT. 250 miles on PCT is just his warm up. He looks calm and quiet person. I could sense his confidence and his wish to be in the wild alone. PCT has become too “Disneyland” to him.

The water cach was a well maintained one with everything we may need including first aid kit. Trail angels are really angels! We saw “Miss Puh” at the water cache. She seemed to have problem speaking and breathing. Kate offered her an inhaler. She felt better but probably still would go to see a doctor later.

At the tent site, we also met Tammy and John, tough couple. I didn’t get to talk to John but had a  nice chat with Tammy. She was a hocky player when she was little. After the School stopped offering that choice for girls, she went with soccer and never looked back. She used to have plantar fasciitis but she didn’t stop playing. Finally she teared her tendon at a soccer game and doctor put a cast on her foot. She said she never had to worry about plantar fasciitis anymore since the tendon is broken. I guess it was a postive way of looking at this situation.


Day 8

In view of the heat from yesterday, we decided to wake up at 4am and start walking at 5. This was the first time I walked in dark with headlight. The sunrise was beyond beautiful. It’ quiet and peaceful. I didn’t hear anything but my foot steps. It is worth the effort of waking up early in cold and dark for sure.

We passed Mile100 at 8:24am! Felt unreal... It’s mile 100 and it’s only mile 100... Soon after we reached the water source again and met tons of hikers here. People are taking late breakfast or early lunch, or first lunch.( We ate a lot of lunches...) Today was still hot, but not as hot as yesterday. After restocking our water bottle, we marched on.



Tanya is filtering water


The landscape has been incredible. We walked through small hills, mostly flat. You see the skyline meet the grassland at far far away. It opened up your mind; it emptied out all the taggled thoughts in my head. I enjoyed the feeling of endless very very much.


Around noon, we came across this little stream with more trees around. It would be ashame to not to take a rest here. So we did, with all the cows! I changed to my flip flop and stepped into water. It’s icy cold and it was exactly what I needed!! Feeling so good untill I saw the cows were peeing and pooping in the stream...


Met another group of girls

The cows are secretly approchig and surrounding us... some of them are even from behind....


Kate is enjoying my flip flop


Eagle Rock is a famous point along the way to Warner Springs. We stopped by, of course, and took photos with the symbal of the USA.




After Eagle Rock, Warner Spring is right at the corner! This is our first 19 miles day. And we made it to Warner Springs at 2:30!


Warner Springs, CA, USA